Easy Read version of our Case for Change (published August 2021)
What this is about

This document explains what the New Hospitals Programme is about and why the people of Lancashire and South Cumbria need new hospital facilities.

Some of our hospital buildings and facilities are out of date. They need a lot of repairs and changes so that we can keep using them. We need to do something about this so that we can provide the services you need now and in the future.
Lots of our staff and local people have already told us what they think about our hospitals and the services we provide. Your feedback helps us to understand the problems and make plans for making services better in the future.

We will keep working on our plans and we want to keep hearing what you think. We want to make sure we are doing the right thing for Lancashire and South Cumbria.
Images copyright CHANGE, www.changepeople.org (opens in new window)
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