The process
How we’re ensuring the Lancashire and South Cumbria New Hospital Programme benefits everyone
We’re following a clear process which gives everyone the opportunity to have their say and help shape the future of hospital care in the region.
1. Understand why changes to our hospitals are needed
Our Case for Change has been developed in collaboration with experts: our clinicians, staff, patients, key stakeholders and representatives of local communities we serve.
Read our Case for Change report (published July 2021) and find out how you can get involved.

2. Develop longlist of proposals for new hospital facilities, including why, how and where changes might take place
We heard from patients, local people, NHS staff and community groups at events, focus groups and workshops, and through surveys, online discussions and market research.
Read more about the longlist of proposals (published September 2021).

3. Create a shortlist of proposals for new hospital facilities, narrowing the proposals down to those which are workable, and submitting to NHS England
The public, patients, clinicians and other health experts continue to provide input and feedback to help this process.
Read more about our shortlist of proposals (published March 2022).
Read our update on the government announcement of national funding, paving the way for new hospital facilities in Lancashire and South Cumbria (published May 2023).
Read our announcement about two proposed sites for two brand new hospitals in Lancashire (published December 2024).
Following the outcome of a Government review of the national New Hospital Programme, the timescales for delivering two new hospitals to replace Royal Preston Hospital and Royal Lancaster Infirmary have been significantly impacted.
In light of this delay, the local NHS has made the difficult decision to suspend public engagement on the proposed sites. The planned programme of public events and independent market research is cancelled until further notice.

4. Public consultation, if required
Public engagement will take place at every stage of the process - if consultation is also required, it would be made up of public events and digital questionnaires, conversations with community groups and local people.

5. Submit proposals for new hospital facilities
The agreed way forward will consider all information gathered, including concerns and ideas shared.

6. Help us create the new facilities
The public will help shape the look, feel, design and facilities within the new buildings through workshops and focus groups.

7. Open new hospital facilities
Helping local people live longer, healthier lives.

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We have lots more details on the project in our Information hub. Read frequently asked questions, the latest news about the programme and stories from people in the region.