Easy Read version of our Case for Change (published August 2021)

What happens next?

Feedback Non Portal.png

We want you to tell us what you think about the New Hospitals Programme:

  • Do you agree or disagree with what we have said?

  • What do you think is right? What do you think is wrong? Is there anything missing?

  • Do you have any ideas you would like to add?

Graphic of professionals creating the longlist of options from feedback received

We do not yet know what our new hospital facilities will look like or where they will be. We will look at all the feedback to make a longlist of different proposals.

Graphic displaying putting words into visuals

We will then ask our staff, patients and representatives of local people to help us to choose a few of the ideas to make a shortlist of proposals.

Graphic displaying patient involvement

We may need a public consultation when we ask people about our final list of proposals. This will make sure everyone has a chance to tell us what they think.

How you can get involved

To be part of the conversation and to keep up to date on all the latest news and updates, start by registering for our email newsletter today.

Find out more on our Information hub

We have lots more details on the project in our Information hub. Read frequently asked questions, the latest news about the programme and stories from people in the region.

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