Hopes and fears about the New Hospitals Programme: a summary
There is widespread support in favour of funding for new hospital facilities
Local people, patients and staff all acknowledged the ageing population of the region and health inequalities as a driver for urgent improvements to hospital facilities. At the longlist phase, the 'business as usual' proposal (which is required in all business cases) was by far the most unacceptable course of action to all.
Travel and accessibility considerations are the biggest talking point
Members of Parliament, the public, patients, staff, and wider stakeholders all agreed that travel and accessibility would be a top priority in the development of proposals.
New hospital facilities should be designed with sustainability in mind
Design, layout, and sustainability was the second most popular discussion point. We observed hopes for flexible spaces and green areas, recreational and wellness areas for staff and visitors. We heard positivity towards refurbishment of existing sites, perceived as a more sustainable solution.
Hospital sites must be ‘future-proofed’ to meet the region’s long-term needs
Patients told us that they want hospital sites to be in accessible locations and to have improvements to meet future (not just current) healthcare needs.
People are open to the use of digital tools to enable care closer to home
Future potential for patient video or telephone consultations is generally supported.
A single new hospital on a new central site is not acceptable to most audiences
In many discussions with patients, the public and under-represented communities and health inclusion groups, people expressed fears and concerns around a single new hospital. The main concerns centred on services being located too far away and potential difficulties travelling to and around the hospital.
Patient-centred care was the most important topic for inclusion groups
People wanted the future of healthcare to be based on holistic care, collaboration, prevention and tackling health inequalities. Inclusion groups hope that there will be more emphasis on training hospital staff to raise their understanding of the needs of under-represented people.