Other stakeholders

Group of people having a conversation outside places of work

Members of Parliament

We wrote to all 25 local MPs in Lancashire and South Cumbria and surrounding areas whose constituencies are most likely to be impacted by the programme on five separate occasions to update on the key programme milestones.

Each letter to MPs offered them one-to-one meetings with senior members of the Programme team.

Nine Members of Parliament took up the offer of to take part in these meetings, where the Case for Change and proposals were discussed in more detail.

Local authorities

The leaders of the 18 local authorities within Lancashire and South Cumbria were written to on four separate occasions. The leaders of North Yorkshire and Craven (neighbouring authorities) were written to on three separate occasions.

The chief executives, cabinet members for health and directors of public health in the 18 local authorities within the region were also written to on two separate occasions.

We have also offered one-to-one meetings with the local authorities most directly impacted by any potential changes to hospital facilities. Four local authorities have taken up the offer to meet to date.

All Members and Officers of the Cumbria County Council and Lancashire County Council Health Overview and Scrutiny Committees (HOSC) have been written to, with the programme team also attending meetings to provide updates.

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