Case for Change (published July 2021)
Our Case for Change report is the first in a series of official documents that we need to produce in our journey towards new hospital facilities. It explains the problems that we hope to address through funding for new hospital facilities, and how this supports ambitions to improve health and wellbeing and deliver better care for local people.
We welcome comment on the Case for Change and are keen to hear from you – there is information on how to get involved and share your views below.
Download the Case for Change
Download our Case for Change (PDF, 3MB – opens in new window)

4. Our ambition

5. Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care Partnership

6. Our hospitals

7. Delivering the Lancashire and South Cumbria Clinical Strategy

8. Our infrastructure does not support our future digital technology ambitions

9. Our infrastructure impedes our ability to recruit and retain our workforce

10. Our infrastructure impacts our use of resources

11. Conclusion

Share your views on our Case for Change
It is really important that you tell us what you think about what we say in the Case for Change. What is most important to you, what is right, what is wrong and have we missed anything out?
There are lots of ways to get involved and have your say:
- Contact us to share your views – we’d love to hear from you
- Join in the conversation on social media: you can like and follow the New Hospitals Programme on Facebook (opens in new window) and find us on Twitter (opens in new window)
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