Freedom of Information Request (FOI)
We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to transform our region’s hospitals.
By creating a network of brand new and refurbished facilities, we’ll help local people live longer, healthier lives. By doing this, we’ll also make Lancashire and South Cumbria a world-leading centre of excellence for hospital care.
The New Hospitals Programme is aiming to address significant problems with our ageing hospitals in Preston (Royal Preston Hospital) and Lancaster (Royal Lancaster Infirmary). We also need to invest in Furness General Hospital’s infrastructure in the context of its strategic importance and geographically remote location.
We want the process to be fully open and transparent and we therefore pledge to ensure that we publish everything we can to ensure our public understand what is taking place and what is being discussed.
How to make an FOI request
People are entitled to request information from public bodies and receive a response, usually within 20 working days, and there are a number of public bodies involved in the New Hospitals Programme.
The Trusts involved and their FOI contact details are as follows. Please send to the most relevant Trust and they will liaise across the programme:
- University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust FOI requests (opens in new window)
- Contact UHMBT FOI team by email (opens in new window)
- Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust FOI requests (opens in new window)
- Contact LTHTr FOI team by email (opens in new window)
- East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust FOI requests (opens in new window)
- Contact ELHT FOI team by email (opens in new window)
- Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust FOI requests (opens in new window)
- Contact BTH FOI team by email (opens in new window)
The programme also involves NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board, who commission services from Lancashire and South Cumbria’s acute hospitals. Links to further information about making FOI requests and contact email are as follows:
- NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board FOI requests (opens in new window)
- Contact NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board FOI team by email (opens in new window)
North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust (NWAS) provides emergency responses, patient transport services, NHS111 urgent care and advice across the North West region. Find out more about making an FOI request from NWAS (opens in new window).
Here is how to make a freedom of information (FOI) request from NHS England (opens in new window).
The Lancashire and South Cumbria programme is part of the Government’s national New Hospital Programme: how to contact the Department of Health and Social Care (opens in new window).
Published information requests
- NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board: Ref. 3272 - received 09.06.23 (opens in new window)
- Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: Ref. 9231 - received 06.06.23 (opens in new window)
- Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: Ref. 9210 - received 30.05.23 (opens in new window)
- Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: Ref. 8981 - received 10.02.23 (opens in new window)
- Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: Ref. 8969 - received 06.02.23 (opens in new window)
- NHS University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay Foundation Trust: Ref. 17362 (opens in new window)
- NHS University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay Foundation Trust: Ref. 14059 (opens in new window)
- Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: Ref. 7990 (opens in new window)
- Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: Ref. 8604 (opens in new window)
On the website we will also include:
- Information about the process
- FOI responses
- Press releases
- Press statements
- Updates and articles.
Further information will be added to the site as the programme develops.
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