Join the national NHS New Hospital Programme Personalised Care engagement workshop on 21 May 2024
Date posted: 29th April 2024
Share your views on Personalised Care in the context of future hospital design.
The national New Hospital Programme team are running several patient and public workshops during 2024 to hear about your experiences using hospital services to help improve the designs and layout of future hospitals. This is to ensure those who use our hospitals are at the heart of the decisions being made.
The New Hospital Programme’s Transformation Directorate would like to invite you to a 90 minute virtual workshop to understand your views on what matters most to you and your loved ones in future hospital design. The session is aimed at anyone with lived experience as a patient, family member or carer in a general hospital setting.
What is personalised care?
Personalised care simply means that patients have more control and choice when it comes to the way their care is planned and delivered, taking into account individual needs, preferences and circumstances. Personalised Care describes a major shift in how the NHS provides care. It outlines a shift in the relationship between health and care professionals and the people who access health services. The focus is on “what matters to me” rather than “what is the matter with me”.
Why is this important?
A more holistic and personalised approach to care is important in providing better health and wellbeing support for everyone. It can be particularly beneficial for those with long-term physical health and / or mental health conditions, people with complex needs, and people struggling with social issues, which affect their health or wellbeing. With this in mind, we want to understand what matters most to you and your family and friends in relation to the design of the hospital of the future.
They are also working with hospital clinicians, estates teams, digital – information and technology – and workforce colleagues, health regulators, the Royal Colleges, and other professional bodies, as well as public and patient experience groups, to ensure the best designs and clinical standards for all our hospitals are created.
Who this workshop is for
Anyone with lived experience as a patient, family member or carer in a general hospital setting is invited to join this session.
About the workshop
This workshop is an opportunity to help ensure the New Hospital Programme delivers high quality care – improving the patient experience and meeting the needs of diverse communities.
This is a virtual workshop and will be held online using MS Teams on Tuesday 21 May 2024.
The 90-minute session will be held in the evening, from 6 to 7.30pm.
How to book your place
To book your place at this workshop session, please register online for the national NHP engagement workshop here (opens in new window).
When you book, you will be able to let the national New Hospital Programme team know if you have any accessibility or support needs to facilitate your participation.
You will receive a confirmation of your booking, and five days prior to the workshop, the national New Hospital Programme team will send you the joining codes, background reading and a copy of the discussion prompts that the facilitators will take you through during the workshop.
Closing date to register: Tuesday 14 May at 23:45.
Please note this is not a paid activity. This is classed as a role 3 opportunity under the NHS’s Patient Public Voice Partner Policy.
After the workshop
You will be sent a link to an evaluation form within a week of the workshop, which you are encouraged to fill in to evaluate the session and to provide any additional comments you wish to make.
There will be a further follow up within three to six months to provide you with an update on how the information from the workshops have impacted on the programme, this will illustrate how important sharing your experiences has been. If you wish not to receive any information after receiving the evaluation form, please email
If you have any questions or would like to speak to someone about the workshop or need help with booking your place, please email
About the national New Hospital Programme
The New Hospital Programme is a joint programme by NHS England and the Department of Health and Social Care. You can read more about this on the Improving NHS Infrastructure website (opens in new window).